The Qur'an in Modern English
Reach people, young and old, with the eternal Message in crisp, modern English
Feature 1
This book is used by schools and families all over the English-speaking world for reading circles, enrichment and quite a few adults have adopted it as well!
Feature 2
This is an easy-to-read translation for readers of all ages. Widely acclaimed as the best version in English in the new millennium. Perfect for Da’wah and Teens.
Feature 3
This is our mega-tafseer and translation. It has so many resources and has received wide praise for the great variety of tafseer and its balanced, fair presentation.
Other Editions with varying features are below
And for the Little Ones...
This is a delightful Qur'an storybook for little children under the age of about 10. Perfect for family reading or bedtime story time. The major themes of the Qur'an are presented in rhyme with nicely done full-color illustrations. Makes a great gift for children and for new parents after the birth of a child.
For Teenagers…
The Holy Qur’an for Teenagers and Young Adults! A sister who had purchased our Qur’an translation for kids asked if we could make a version for older teens, and we thought it was a good suggestion and did it! This differs from “The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an for School Children” in that it has full adult level language, mostly different graphics, all the footnotes of our regular adult translation, and also the addition of some response question boxes so readers can write their thoughts about different topics raised in the Holy Qur’an. All prophet names are also the Arabic version. Anyone from 13 to adult will enjoy this refreshing take on the meaning of the Holy Qur’an. Perfect for gifts too!
A Journey through the Holy Qur'an
This is our signature translation edition. How is it different from the other versions? It has less tafseer than our Extended Study Edition, and the reasons for revelation are in-line with the text in small blocks which make the experience of reading the meaning of the Holy Qur'an more like a novel or a continuous narrative.
There are many ways to purchase this edition, including a very handsome rendition on the Apple iBookstore. Choose the button of your choice below!
The Extended Study Edition in Multiple Volumes with Larger Text Size
If you need a larger text size and still want to enjoy the the wide-ranging and insightful commentary of our Extended Study Edition, we have a three volume set with much larger font sizes for the footnotes. Definitely easier to read and since the volumes are smaller than the single volume 'big' book, it is easier to handle, as well. You can see all three volumes on Amazon. Click the button below.
World’s First Coloring Qur’an
This is a unique way to connect with the Qur’an through art. This is the translated text of the entire Qur’an with coloring and other activities. There is also a seven volume edition of this series covering one seventh of the Qur’an each. This makes a perfect gift also!