Pre-K to Grade 5


This is an evolving curriculum.  Books and other educational materials will be added to our special carousel menu for each grade over time.  We would love suggestions for additional also!  We list textbooks, curriculum guides and good enrichment material that should be in the Islamic classroom.  To buy the products or to learn more, you can click on the images to go to the sources.


Pre K Materials - Teach Mostly through Stories and Hands-on Activities like Art Projects, Models, Videos, songs, etc.

Kindergarten - Teach Mostly through Stories and Hands-on Activities like Art Projects, Models, Videos, songs, etc.

Grade 1 - Include hands-on activities, songs and physical activities such as mini-skits, etc

Grade 2 - Art activities, songs, video - not just all lectures or readings!

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5