Other Languages

We will add the books here as we get them translated.

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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Islam in Korean

This is translated into Korean.  We had no control over this book and did not know about it until later as Random House owns the rights to the original book.  We dislike some of the photos used in the book.  For a resource on Islam in this language however, it is better than most in terms of information.


What Islam is all About in Chinese

We found an unauthorized translation in Chinese of this book.  We are still trying to find more information on it and to get it checked for accuracy.  Will update when we have more information and a source to get it from.


Layla Deen und der Fall der Ramadan-Schurken

Die entzückende Geschichte eines jungen Bruders und einer jungen Schwester, die ein Rätsel lösen und eine Lektion über die wahre Bedeutung des Ramadan, des muslimischen Fastenmonats, lernen. Rasant und mit einem Ende, das Sie zum Lächeln bringt.